Concert: Lights, Lydia, Lovedrug, Copeland

Aaron Marsh of Copeland in Omaha, NE at Slowdown.

Aaron Marsh of Copeland. Omaha, NE @ Slowdown.


Lights in Omaha, NE at Slowdown.


Lydia in Omaha, NE at Slowdown.
Lydia in Omaha, NE at Slowdown.


Lovedrug in Omaha, NE at Slowdown.
Lovedrug in Omaha, NE at Slowdown.


Copeland in Omaha, NE at Slowdown.
Copeland in Omaha, NE at Slowdown.

Photo Notes

Thanks to Lydia I was able to get a photo pass for this show featuring four great bands.This show was the first test for my new Canon 70-200mm 2.8L IS, which arrived a day before. The switches on the lens are a bit loose and I kept bumping the AF and IS off unintentionally, leaving me with a bunch of out of focus images. I got some gaffers tape from the mixing booth and taped over them, fixing the problem; I have yet to remove the tape, and will probably leave it on permanently. Lights and Lydia had pretty poor lighting which added to my problems, but by the time Copeland went on the light levels had been raised giving me a bit more to work with in regards to shutter speed. Even at F2.8 and IS I shot at ISO 1600, testing the limits of both the lens and my 30D.

Overall it was an amazing show, it’s always great having the chance to photograph the music you love. If you have not checked out these bands I highly recommend them: Lights – Lights Ep, Lydia – Illuminate, Lovedrug – The Sucker Punch Show, Copeland – You Are My Sunshine. Illuminate and You Are My Sunshine have been on almost constant repeat since the show.

One response to “Concert: Lights, Lydia, Lovedrug, Copeland”

  1. How can I buy shots from this show? I was at the El Rey – not sure if these are from that particular show on the tour, but I’d really like to get photos of these bands, as they are all faves of the last decade or so and impossible to find pics of.
    Please let me know.
    Thanks & Peace

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