This post contains six images that i took at Garrison Kiellor’s live broadcast of “The Prarie Home Companion” on campus at USD for the Volante. The broadcast made use of numerous instruments from the National Music Museum, some of which date back to the 1500’s, and showcased talent from around the country. Click Here to Expand the Post

Garrison Keillor (right) and crew act out a live sketch reminiscent of old time radio broadcasts.

The sound effects man went to great lengths to provide sounds for the show.
He was definitely the most entertaining one to watch during the various short plays.
This photo ran front page in the Volante as a cutout. Simply Hilarious.
These guitars, all part of the National Music Museum, come from various backgrounds.
At least one of these was handmade by Orville Gibson, founder of Gibson Guitars.
It’s not very often you see a concert that features millions of dollars worth of instruments, as well as the talent to fully take advantage of them.
The cello on the right dates back to the 1500’s and this is only the third time in the last 25 years it has been played.
An overview shot of the setup at the Dakota Dome.
I always like to get a bunch of different angles when doing things like this. Most of the photographers just got the necessary shots they needed and left, you can really miss some great shots if you limit yourself like that. Even if you know a publication wont run them, its always good to try new things, it advances your knowledge of the technical aspects of the camera and is always a challenge to come up with an interesting shot, this ends up making you a better photographer in the long run.